近期发表的期刊论文(第一作者或通讯作者): 1. A driving cycle construction methodology combining k-means clustering and Markov model for urban mixed roads[J]. Proc IMechE Part D: J Automobile Engineering,2019. 2. Development of a representative driving cycle for urban buses based on the K-means cluster method[J]. Cluster Computing, 2019. 3. Effects of Injection Timing on Combustion and Emission Performance of Dual-Fuel Diesel Engine under Low to Medium Load Conditions[J]. Energies, 2019. 4. Experimental Study on the Effects of Air Supply Control on Combustion and Emissions Performance at Medium and Low Load for a Dual-Fuel Diesel Engine[J]. Energies, 2018. 5. 基于试验设计方法的双级CNG减压阀结构改进[J]. 中国机械工程,2019. 6. 天然气喷射阀动态流量的实时精确计量[J]. 仪器仪表学报, 2018 7. 天然气/柴油双燃料发动机不同天然气供给量计算方法及试验研究[J].内燃机工程, 2019 8. 基于深度学习的三维目标检测方法综述,汽车技术,2019; 9. 基于深度学习的道路障碍物检测方法研究,计算机应用,2020; 10. 一种混合视觉的车载激光雷达即时定位与地图构建,汽车技术,2021; 11. 基于相平面的分布式驱动电动汽车稳定性控制[J]. 汽车工程, 2021